Twister | Marble Machine STL

By subscribing you will receive download links in your email and further emails when we release new marble machines & modules.

You can also purchase Hardware Kit, so you don't have to worry about marbles, motors, etc...


You will need a 3D printer to print with a minimum bed size of 180x180x180mm. Yes, it can be printed on Prusa Mini by disabling the skirt.

G-codes for Prusa printers are also provided in the files!


All of the modules on our website are interchangeable between all of the machines.

We also sell 3D printed Physical Marble Machine: Twister

You are NOT allowed to resell this in digital or 3D printed versions.

Length 180mm 
Width 180mm 
Height 180mm 
Marble Size 7.14mm| 9/32”
Motor N20, 15 - 60 RPM (15RPM shown in video)
Printing Time 9 Hours
Printer Bed Dimensions 180x180x180 mm
Filament Used


Please see our help topic for the list of hardware needed.


    Extensive assembly instructions can be found here.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Pierre Bolduc
    Printed on: CR-10
    Filaments used: Generic PLA
    twister modifié

    J'ai mofifié cette machine pour ne pas avoir de moteur. Je garde les moteurs pour les grosse machine comme la tower.
    Fonctionne très bien, très content de cette machine.
